The S.T.E.M and Arts blog by Aurelius Raines II

The S.T.E.M and Arts blog by Aurelius Raines II
"Producers, not Consumers"

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Learn and Do!

Next Week
These students are learning about light refraction and reflection
after testing. Remember children learn by experience. Please watch
"5 Dangerous Things For Your Kids to Do"
 in the Parent Resource Center
(right pane of this page)
5th, 6th, and 7th grades will be studying about how scientific ideas are formed. The chapter will be broken into two sections. Your child will be served well if you read with them or, at the least, talk to you about what they have read. If you can't tell you much, then maybe you should have them read to you while you are doing another task (driving, cooking, working in the garden). Most of the poor grades in this class are due to poor reading comprehension. Fixing this is going to be a TEAM EFFORT!

Reading comprehension is a challenge for this generation. Science and History studies are CORE classes that help students with text-to-world connections. 

8th  grade will be studying the evidence of evolution. This is a very tricky subject for the student and the teacher. Our faith gives us one picture of creation while science, at times, gives us another. It takes wisdom to know which story to believe and, more importantly, when the two stories are saying the same thing. What do you know about dinosaurs and fossils? Have a conversation with your child about your experience and thoughts on evolution. All conversation is good conversation. 
Below is a video that might help to get the conversation started. 
Flashcards for 5th- &th are below... or just check Engrade. 

5th - 7th grade Flash Cards (Law vs. Theory)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Let's Investigate!

Science Projects!
Science Fair is Coming! I am preparing material and time lines that will help students prepare for the Science Fair. Although the fair won't be until January 15th, there will be some steps to complete before we get there. 

Step 1: Come up with an idea. 
Sit down with your student, and talk about what their interests are. Then see what kind questions can be taken from that. 
 I and my son love to play Wii Boxing. My son believes that, when his character has been knocked down, that frantically rocking the controller will make him get back up faster. I didn't think so and I could find no instructions or documentation to support that hypothesis. So we tested it. 
*POOF* Science project!

This morning, we wanted if the loud music playing in the car effected his performance on piano tiles. 
*POOF* Science Project!

Yesterday, my son wanted to know how an airplane is made. 
*fizzle* Not a science project. 
There is nothing to test here. Just look it up. Very few testable questions start with "How?" 

Below is a quick video that will help you get started. Remember, you must be patient and you must talk. You are going to have a LOT of lemons before you find a good idea. 

This Week
5th, 6th, and 7th grades studied the scientific method. We did several
experiments in class that taught us the difference between the independent and dependant variable and how to let out data define our conclusion. This is an idea that we will need to explore more because it is foundational to how we practice science. 

8th  grade studied the Theory of Evolution. They needed to know the difference between natural selection and artificial selection and what factors contribute to natural selection. There are a lot of relationships that we need to explore that we will continue to explore next week. 

Next Week (no change)
5th, 6th, and 7th  will learn about the scientific method. This will prepare them for Science Fair greatness! Scroll down for flashcards to help with study. Click Here to play more games using the vocabulary words. 

8th grade students will learn how to make an artificial life form and study it as the learn about evolution and Darwin. This would be a great time to talk them about how you view The Theory of Evolution as a Christian. Click here for vocabulary flashcards.

Scientific Investigation Cards

Evolution Flashcards

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week of 09/08/2014

Class Pets
We have classroom pets! One is a goldfish named Mr. Lecter and they other are a pair of African Dwarf Frogs named Bill and Bob (or Salt and Pepper. We are still trying to decide.) Mr. Lecter looks bored in his plain tank. We would like to decorate. If anyone has aquarium rocks left over, please send them. We won't need many. It is a small tank. Mr. Lecter thanks you!
This Week
5th, 6th, and 7th grades learned about science and scientist. They learned that science depends on Empirical Evidence. that means that you have to prove your claims. 

8th  grade learned about the and what things need to survive. Do you know what those things are. Ask your qualities that define life 8th grader to test you. 
We investigate pseudoscience as we do a test to see if Mr. Raines is psychic.
Students experiment to test the claim that Mr. Raines is psychic.
DC 2 looks at algae as they learn about unicellular organisms
The DC2 students observe algae and plankton using microscopes. 

Next Week
5th, 6th, and 7th  will learn about the scientific method. This will prepare them for Science Fair greatness! Scroll down for flashcards to help with study. Click Here to play more games using the vocabulary words. 

8th grade students will learn how to make an artificial life form and study it as the learn about Evolution and Darwin. This would be a great time to talk them about how you view The Theory of Evolution as a Christian. Click here for vocabulary flashcards.

Scientific Investigation Cards

Evolution Flashcards

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Week of 09/02/14

This Week

Pretty cool,right?
Apple has been going through

 this cycle for 10 years
 and now they are 

releasing the iPhone 6!
Along with classroom procedures, The students learned about the Iterative Process. This is the process that engineers and inventors go through to invent new things or improve old ones. In summary the iterative process is:

Here are some of the things we have done week one. 

Two students from GC 5 engineer a "flying flashlight"
using the iterative process.

Students get to see plankton under a microscope
projected onto the screen. The plankton and algae are samples
taken from the tank of our classroom fish. 

Next Week

The 5th through 7th grades will begin their exploration of the scientific method. They will learn how science is practiced. They will also begin reading assignments that will help them learn how to draw information from text. They will be reading Unit 1, Chapter 1 of their Introduction to Science and Technology books. They will be tested on their understanding of this material on Saturday. 

The 8th grade will begin their investigation of life. By the end of the week they should be able to explain why something is living. Wednesday, we will walk to the beach to collect samples from Lake Michigan to examine under microscopes. Question: Is fire alive?